joestr's blog

Enkapsulate you data!

by Joel Strasser (joestr) on 2024-01-06T16:59Z

Hi all!

A new year has started! Time to tackle new problems.

Last year I pushed the first commit onto my enka repository.

Altough it first started as some form of experimenting with the GO programming language, it became sort-of well integrated into my workflow of dealing with encrypted data.
There were and are many use-cases I had to store an encrypted secret value in a readable format. But this is not an easy task if you only have information about the encrypted data. Information such as the algorithm, key derivation function and intialization vector are not encoded in an OpenSSL string for example.

So what enka does is to encode these missing parameters into a format which resembles bcrypt.

One plan this year to improve enka into a versataile tool to work with multiple encryption concepts.

That's all for now and have a nice day,


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